This part one of the post deals with only the best weight loss programs for teenage girls. The best weight loss program for teen girls isn't all that tricky; the best weight loss diet tips are easy to follow and involve both eating and exercising. The best weight loss program for teen girls starts with accepting the fact that skipping meals will sabotage your weight loss efforts. I'm a certified personal trainer, and going long periods without food, especially when you've been exercising, will slow down your metabolism. This will make losing weight difficult.

When teen girls go long periods without food, this teaches their body to STORE fat, rather than burn fat and lose pounds. This is because your body, being deprived of food for long stretches of time, won't "know" when the next meal or snack is. The body then becomes better at holding onto stored fat, and storing even more fat from food when it finally comes. Teen girls often skip breakfast, presuming it to be the best diet to lose weight fast, and if they eat anything at lunch, it's often a few bites of something, or maybe a soda and potato chips.

For teen girls searching for the best diets for weight loss, a chicken salad sandwich on whole wheat bread, and fruit juice or skim milk, will be far more satisfying, and contribute to your weight loss plan. I'm assuming that if you're a teen girl reading this article, you are overweight, even if by 10 pounds. Some teen girls are obsessed with losing weight, even though they are already on the thin side.

If you're a teen girl on the heavy side, keep reading. You must eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and somewhere along the way, a snack or two in between meals. Focus on fruit, natural fruit juices, vegetables, whole grains, chicken, fish and beans, and go light on beef. Try to enjoy beef and potatoes without the gravy, which is 100 calories per tablespoon.

Exercise BEFORE you eat, not after. Exercising before you eat will make your body more efficiently utilize calories from the after-workout meal. It's perfectly okay for teen girls to lift weights. Teen girls will not injure themselves if they use proper form and start with light weights. In fact, lifting weights causes far fewer injuries to teen girls, percentage-wise, than other physical activities that are more common for teen girls, such as soccer, lacrosse, basketball and running.

Lifting weights will fuel weight loss, shape and tone your body, and that includes toning the stomach and slimming the waist. Adding lean muscle will raise resting metabolism. For following the best weight loss program, please do not take up smoking. If a teen girl starts smoking in the name of losing weight, you will one day be saddled with the ongoing struggle of trying to quit this stinky, expensive, harmful habit.

Look around you at a crowded outdoor area; you'll see plenty of fat women smoking. A teen girl might lose a little weight from smoking, but she'll eventually gain that weight back, and even more, as she gets older and increasingly tired from lack of exercise and lack of lung power. If you want to put something long and slender in your mouth, make it a carrot or celery stick, smoking is definitely not the best weight loss diet one can follow :)

Teen girls should include cardio exercise for their weight loss plan, several times a week. 20 minutes of vigorous cycling, walking, stepping, dancing, swimming, kicking, or use of a cardio machine all count as effective exercise.

Finally, skip the diet pills. These are drugs that will not teach your body to become naturally efficient at burning up fat, for the best weight loss program one must do all the hard-work oneself, rather than look for an easy way out.

1 comment:

  1. I very much like the way you have provided some extremely useful information about weight loss program for teenagers. Thanks for sharing some extremely useful and effective information. By the way let me share my personal experience. There was a time when I gained almost 39 pounds of extra body weight and was desperately trying to reduce that. I took up different type of fat burning exercise but all that went in vein. Then I came across this pill: Lean Belly Breakthrough . I took this pill and lost almost 39 pounds within a few weeks. That’s really amazing isn’t it?


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